Monday, September 04, 2006
@ 2:27 AM )
what a weekend it was !Pst Joakim's preachings simply blew my mind off. in the midst of all the laughters and drama, the message was ever so clear. now 'taking the schools' isn't just a slogan that's for show, my heart's burning with this inner flame and passion now.
the examples and testimonials were extraordinary. the impact was beyond words.
the desire, the urgency and the need.
next year, we'll be the one having the pizzas (:
oh man arent we so lucky and blessed to have Pst Joakim for the weekend!
man too bad i missed out one session!
hahah besides having a breakthrough in faith and passion on a personal level, i felt that a church as a whole brokethrough as well! the praise and worship went up to a whole new level, with everyone lifting their hands and voices as loud and high as possible. the responses and the enthusiasm level was awesome too, the "wow!" and "yes!" was deafening sometimes. most importantly, God's presence could be felt so strongly.
i'm just so proud to be a heart of God youth.
i'm just so proud to be a disciple of Christ.
Jesus, i believe in you and i would go to the ends of the earth